速報APP / 財經 / Daily Expenses 5.0 - Manage Spending Mon

Daily Expenses 5.0 - Manage Spending Mon





版本需求:Android 4.1 以上版本



聯絡地址:Sikar (Rajasthan)-332001 India

Daily Expenses 5.0 - Manage Spending Money(圖1)-速報App

Hey, Are you Forgotten where you are spend your money. then forget the habit of forgotten, b'cause We have brought for you Daily Expenses 5.0 Android App for record your all record of money spending and income. you can see your all record of income and expenses in your mobile any time any where. you can see your data by Current Month, Last Month, Last Three Month, All Record, By Date, By Category, By Description.

Daily Expenses 5.0 - Manage Spending Money(圖2)-速報App

This App is Made for Helping the people in busy schedule. you can put your income or expenses entry very easily. this App is very easy for use and user friendly. So Use this Smart App and Control your Budget.

Daily Expenses 5.0 - Manage Spending Money(圖3)-速報App


Daily Expenses 5.0 - Manage Spending Money(圖4)-速報App

• Add Income and Expenses very Simply and quickly.

Daily Expenses 5.0 - Manage Spending Money(圖5)-速報App

• View Report All, Current month, last month and last three month.

Daily Expenses 5.0 - Manage Spending Money(圖6)-速報App

• Export report in to PDF format.

Daily Expenses 5.0 - Manage Spending Money(圖7)-速報App

• Display report

• Backup data in your device.


• Storage: backup data in sdcard and external storage